Aspendale Life Saving Club redevelopment This new state-of-the-art facility will ensure the club can continue to provide its vital community service to the tens of thousands of visitors who visit Aspendale beach each summer.
Beazley Reserve sports lighting project The Beazley Reserve sports lighting upgrade will include the installation of 4 new light towers on the sports oval and light spill management.
Bicentennial Park outdoor gym upgrade We’re upgrading the outdoor gym at Bicentennial Park in Chelsea.
Bonbeach Solar Upgrade Project We’re committed to making all of Council’s operations Net Zero by 2025! As part of our annual Rooftop Solar Initiative, we’re delivering a storage room, solar panels, and batteries at Bonbeach Sports Complex.
Bonbeach Sports Reserve Masterplan We have developed a masterplan for Bonbeach Sports Reserve and are undertaking significant drainage upgrade works at the site.
Carrum boardwalk extension to Patterson River We're working to improve access to Kingston's beaches. As part of this commitment, we're planning to extend the boardwalk from its current northern termination point near Stephens Street to the Patterson River, Carrum.
Carrum Surf Life Saving Club redevelopment The Carrum Surf Life Saving Club will undergo significant expansion works to help meet the needs of growing community demand.
Chelsea Men's Shed We are pleased to share that the Chelsea Men’s Shed will soon have a permanent home at 71 Catherine Avenue, Chelsea.
Dane Road Reserve sports lighting project The Dane Road Reserve sports lighting project includes the installation of 4 new light towers on the sports oval and light spill management.
Dingley Village Community Precinct - Stage 2 The Dingley Community precinct is being developed to better meet the needs of our current and future Dingley community.
Edithvale flood management project Council is proposing major works near Edithvale Common to improve the local drainage network and minimise the impact of severe weather events in the area.
Edithvale shopping strip revitalisation project Kingston has committed funding to upgrade the Edithvale shopping strip with the aim of creating a welcoming and cohesive precinct and boosting the local economy.
Foreshore public bin service improvement The number of visitors to our beaches increases each year, and the existing bin system is not designed to cope with this amount of waste. In an effort to reduce rubbish left on our beaches, we're moving public bins off the sand and placing them at key access points along the foreshore.
GR Bricker Reserve Pavilion and sporting improvements Major upgrades are taking place to redevelop the GR Bricker Reserve Pavilion and improve the reserve to help meet the needs of growing community demand.
Mentone Life Saving Club facility and precinct redevelopment The Mentone Life Saving Club and surrounding precinct will provide improved services and facilities for the community for years to come.We’ve partnered with the Victorian Government on this project to deliver this state-of-the-art facility and precinct.
Mordi Aquatic Centre We’re planning a new, high-quality aquatic and leisure centre to help support the health and wellbeing of our community. It will be contemporary, accessible for all, and meet current standards. This is a significant project and investment for Council.
Namatjira Park Masterplan As part of our commitment to improving open spaces and sporting facilities in Kingston, we developed a Masterplan for Namatjira Park to help guide the long-term planning and improvements for the site.
Northern Chelsea flood management project Council is implementing a program of major works to improve the local drainage network and minimise the impact of severe weather events. This project will reduce regular flooding that occurs along Embankment Grove and the surrounding streets in the northern part of Chelsea.
Parkdale Yacht Club precinct improvements We're working to improve access to Kingston's beaches. As part of this commitment, we've upgraded beach access and parking at the Parkdale Yacht Club.
Regents Park Pavilion redevelopment Major works are taking place to redevelop the Regents Park Pavilion to meet the growing demand for netball, cricket and AFL facilities and provide more sporting and community facilities for the local area.
Roy Dore Reserve Pavilion and sporting improvements Kingston Council, the Victorian Government, AFL Victoria and local sporting clubs are partnering together on the new sporting precinct at Roy Dore Reserve. It will feature a new main pavilion, tennis pavilion and courts, sports lighting upgrades, landscaping and more.
Seaford Wetlands Rejuvenation Project The Seaford Wetlands Rejuvenation Project is led by state government who has partnered with City of Kingston to deliver the shared user path component at Patterson Lakes.
Suburban Rail Loop The Vic Government's Suburban Rail Loop will transform the public transport network - connecting Victorians to employment, hospitals, universities and each other. Read the latest project updates.
Victorian Government's Level Crossing Removal Project Mentone The Victorian Government is removing 10 level crossings in Kingston. The Level Crossing Removal Project has been established to deliver the program and oversee the works.
Victorian Government's Level Crossing Removal Project Parkdale The Victorian Government is removing 10 level crossings in Kingston. The Level Crossing Removal Project has been established to deliver the program and oversee the works.
Walking and Cycling Plan Projects We’ve adopted an ambitious 5-year Plan to improve the experience of walking and cycling in Kingston, delivering more than 60 projects.