Prevention of family violence

Help is available if you or someone you know is experiencing family violence
In our community we all deserve to feel safe, equal and respected. Sometimes, however, people may say or do things without realising they are contributing to the harm of others.
We encourage everyone to understand the role we can all play in fostering a supportive, safe and respectful community built on equality and respect.

Respect starts with a conversation

  • Start a conversation at home
  • Start a conversation with your friends 
  • Start a conversation at your sports club

Remember, it can take time for people’s attitudes to change as their understanding grows. The important thing is playing a part in contributing to a safer more respectful community.

For further information or if you are interested in helping to lead change in our community, please contact our Social Policy and Planning Officer on 1300 653 356 or

What is family violence?

Family violence includes a range of behaviours used to control the victim. It can affect anyone, regardless of age, cultural background, education, sexuality or ability.

Family violence is widespread, serious and preventable.

Preventing family violence is everyone’s responsibility.

Local government plays a role by influencing social structures, norms and practices that promote respect and challenge the use of violence and discrimination.

We are committed to a vision for our community as a safe, respectful and supportive place for all to live, work and play - free from all forms of inequality and violence.

Through a coordinated approach, strong leadership and collaborative partnerships we are working together to prevent family violence and promote gender equality by:

  • challenging gender stereotypes and roles
  • strengthening positive, equal and respectful relationship
  • challenging condoning of violence against women
  • promoting women’s independence and decision-making

Our priority actions

Our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (MPWHP 2021-2025) Year 4 Action Plan(PDF, 455KB) outlines commitments under Goal 2. A safe and secure community Kingston is a safe, respectful and supportive place for all to live, work and play, that is free from all forms of inequality and violence.

These actions promote a primary prevention approach, supporting community experiencing violence and those using violence to know where to go and how to access support.

Promoting equality and respect 

A range of resources are available in English and other languages to promote equality and respect. Developed with the Kingston Family Violence Working Group, these can be promoted across your workplace, sporting club, community club or organisation, social media campaigns and more. 

For hardcopies, please contact our Social Policy and Planning Officer 1300 653 356 or

More information

For further information or if interested in helping to lead change in our community, please contact our Social Policy and Planning Officer on 1300 653 356 or

Help and support services

Help is available if you or someone you know is experiencing family violence.

Call 000 if you are in danger now.

The Orange Door – Bentleigh
Local support and safety hub for all people and families experiencing family violence.
Call 1800 319 353 Monday - Friday between 9am-5pm
The Orange Door Bentleigh services all residents of Kingston and is located on the Ground Floor suite at 973 Nepean Highway, Bentleigh (Corner of South Road).
Walk in appointments also available.

Safe Steps Family Violence Crisis Response
Victoria’s family violence crisis response and referral to safe accommodation.
Call 1800 015 188 (24 hours, 7 days a week)

National sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service. Support and advice for people experiencing family violence and those supporting them.
Call 1800 737 732 (24 hours 7 days a week)

MensLine Australia is a free telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men anywhere, anytime.
Call 1300 78 99 78 or reach out online (24 hours 7 days a week)