Cycling and walking for a healthier future

Published on 15 November 2023

A runner and cyclist on the Longbeach Trail

Council is committed to making Kingston a cycling and pedestrian friendly city and we have adopted an ambitious plan to achieve this.

The five-year plan sets out a long-term vision for our city, with the key objective of making walking and cycling the preferred transport choices, particularly for short local trips.

Significantly, Kingston has committed to delivering 40 projects community members identified as needed and prioritised during consultation periods; advocating to external agencies for a further 14; and implementing programs such as providing bike parking, repair stations, signage, and monitoring.   

Among the suite of other projects, advocacy and programs included in the plan are the completion of 28 Council projects currently being designed or investigated, including: new crossings, footpaths, shared paths, bicycle lanes, traffic signals, street, and shopping precinct upgrades.

Mayor Jenna Davey-Burns said that as a leader in addressing climate change and making urban areas more accessible for everyone, we need to find safer, healthy, inclusive, accessible, and sustainable ways of getting around.

“We are in a great position to be a leader in this space and through the implementation of our plan we are creating a network of safe, direct, connected, and accessible pedestrian and cycle routes that help all of us walk and cycle as the best way to get about our city,” Cr Davey-Burns said.

“I love getting out on my bike or going for walk, feeling the wind in my hair and enjoying our beautiful city and I know so many others across Kingston who feel the same way.

“It’s much better for our physical and mental health and our environment. Whether it’s kids getting to and from school, getting to work, or a quick trip to the shops, choosing to ride or walk is one of the most effective ways to incorporate regular exercise into our daily routines and reduce our carbon footprint.

“With the rising cost of living coupled with climate change, cycling and walking are cheaper and healthier options; importantly, more accessible footpaths aid those in mobility devices or with little ones in prams.

“People powered transport also helps to promote a greater sense of social connection, independence, health, safety, and well-being.

“The benefits are endless, and we can’t wait to put our plan into action.”

To view the plan head to


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