Grants program

Our program provides an opportunity for Council to work in partnership with the local community to build a stronger, more connected neighbourhood by investing in your ideas and aspirations.

Program objectives

  • Provide equal opportunity for the community to seek funding assistance from Council.
  • Address needs within the community.
  • Support initiatives that increase community participation, development and inclusion.
  • Assist Council to deliver on identified priorities and strategies.


Check to see if you are eligible to apply by viewing our grants program guidelines 2024-2025(PDF, 792KB).


Please select the relevant grant stream below for more information by clicking on the plus (+) symbol.

Community small grants

One-off grants up to $2,000.

Available to: Not-for-profit organisations and community groups seeking funding for projects, programs, celebrations, equipment and/or start-up support.

Applications open: 1 January 2024. You can apply any time throughout the year with grants awarded each month. Applications are assessed within four weeks. Each applicant is eligible to receive a maximum of one grant per financial year.

For help with completing your application, please see the following booklets:

Small grants


Small grants (start ups)


Community bi-annual grants

One-off grants between $2,000 and $10,000.

Available to: Not-for-profit organisations, community groups, artists and creative businesses looking for projects, programs, small events and minor capital works funding.

Applications open for funding consideration for the 2024/25 financial year:

  • Round 1: 29 January – 11 March 2024 (closed). 
  • Round 2: 29 July – 23 August 2024 (closed)

Each applicant is eligible to receive a maximum of one grant per financial year.  

Applications for Round 2 will be considered at the December Council meeting, and applicants will be notified soon after recommendations are presented for approval.

Please see the Community bi-annual grant application help booklet(PDF, 2MB)

Applications for 2025/26 open early 2025.

Operational and partnership grants

These grants provide up to three years of funding in various categories.

Available to: Not-for-profit organisations and community groups. Applicants are eligible to apply once per financial year.

Applications open for funding consideration for the 2024/25 financial year: 29 January 2024

Applications close: 28 March 2024

Applications received after 28 March 2024 will be considered for the following financial year. Funding will be determined at the 24 June 2024 Council meeting, and applicants will be notified soon after recommendations are presented for approval.

Multicultural & Seniors

Multicultural & Seniors application help booklet(PDF, 2MB).

Applications closed for 2024.

Neighbourhood Houses & Community Centres

 Neighbourhood Houses & Community Centres application help booklet(PDF, 2MB).

Applications closed for 2024.

Specialist Community & Welfare Services

Specialist Community & Welfare Services application help booklet(PDF, 2MB).

Applications closed for 2024.

Community Interest Organisations

Community Interest Organisations application help booklet(PDF, 2MB).

Applications closed for 2024.

Community festivals, events and creative activities grants

Grants of up to $25,000 annually for up to three years.

Available to: Not-for-profit organisations and community groups to support community festivals and events. Applicants are eligible to apply once per financial year.

Applications open: 29 January 2024.

Applications close: 28 March 2024.

Funding will be determined at the 24 June 2024 Council meeting, and applicants will be notified soon after recommendations are presented for approval.

Please see the Community Festivals, Events and Creative Activities grant application help booklet(PDF, 2MB).

Applications closed for 2024.  

Individual development grants

One-off grants of up to $600.

Available to: Individual Kingston residents to compete, perform or represent at a state, national or international level in their chosen discipline.

Apply any time. Applications are assessed every two to four weeks until funding is exhausted.

Please see the 2024 Individual Development grants application help booklet(PDF, 2MB) for help with completing your application.


Frequently asked questions

Grants changes

What are the changes that have taken place?

In 2023, Council conducted a comprehensive review of our community grants program to ensure we provide equitable funding to community groups and individuals within the Kingston community.

The new grants program is simplified for a more streamlined experience. We've reduced the number of grant streams from nine to five, are offering increased frequency of grant assessments, and merging some grants for more efficient administration.

  • Partnership grants recipients can apply to the operational and partnership grants.
  • Festival and event partnership grant recipients can apply to the festivals, events and creative activities grants.
  • Annual grant applicants can apply to the bi-annual grants for funding above $2000, or the community small grants for funding under $2000.
  • Children's week grant applicants can apply to the community small grants.
  • Quick response grant applicants can apply to the community small grants.
  • Student awards grants have discontinued. Students can apply for support through the individual development grants

Why did the grants program change?

The program has been active for over 25 years and required a review to ensure the model continues to provide fair and equitable access to grant funding, supporting the evolving needs of the Kingston community.

What are the new Grants Streams?

  • Community small grants
  • Community bi-annual grants
  • Operational and partnership grants
  • Community festivals, events and  creative activities grants
  • Individual development grants


Where are the Children's Week grants?

You can now apply to the community small grants stream for up to $2000 of funding for activities for children’s week, or any other activity that supports children. Please take notice of Working with Children's Check requirements.



My group/organisation/club meets in a venue that has pokies, am I eligible to apply for a grant?

Council won’t fund:

  • Organisations that receive a direct income from gambling activities, undertake or promote gambling
  • Activities that undertake or promote gambling
  • The lease/hire or use of a venue with gaming machines or other forms of gambling, unless the venue offers a unique setting and there is no viable alternative.


My group/organisation/club has a liquor license, am I eligible to apply for a grant?

Yes. However, your funding cannot be spent on alcohol.


My group/organisation/club is no longer eligible for a partnership grant, can we still apply for a grant?

You may be eligible to apply for other grants. Please see grant eligibility criteria in the grants program guidelines 2024-2025(PDF, 959KB) for each grant stream.


We received less funding than last year, are we able to apply for more from another grant stream?

Applicants can apply to multiple grant streams for different activities.


Do not-for-profits need to be registered with Consumer Affairs Victoria, or is being a legally incorporated association acceptable?

Organisations must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be legally constituted as an incorporated association, company limited by guarantee, or Aboriginal Corporation, or auspiced by another legally constituted organisation (auspice) for the activity proposed in the application.
  • Be not-for-profit and managed by a volunteer board/committee of management, or auspiced by a not-for-profit managed by a volunteer board/committee of management.

Please contact Council’s Social Inclusion Officer on 1300 653 356 for support with not-for-profit registration.


What is the eligibility criteria for minor capital works?

In addition to other eligibility criteria, applicants to the community bi-annual grants – minor capital works category are required to provide:

  • Approval in principle from Council for Council-owned property.
  • A letter of approval from the property owner for non-Council property.

You may also be required to provide a co-contribution. Please see grants program guidelines 2024-2025(PDF, 959KB) for further information.


I want to apply for funding for a small community event, which grant stream should I use?

If you are requesting $2000 or less, you can apply to the community small grants.

If you are requesting between $2001 and $10,000, you can apply for a community bi-annual grant.


Can I submit multiple applications?

Multiple applications for different grants streams may be submitted from the same applicant to request funding for different activities. If multiple applications are submitted for the same activity, no more than one application can be funded.


What If I submit an incomplete application?

Applicants are required to submit a complete application within the advertised application opening period, including attachments or other supporting information requested by Council.

Council officers will make contact to advise applicants of incomplete applications prior to the closing date. It is the responsibility of the applicant to supply all necessary information by the closing date, or assessment commencement date, to be eligible for assessment.

Late applications due to exceptional circumstances can be approved/declined for assessment by the Manager Inclusive Communities. Exceptional circumstances do not include illness, leave, or holidays of one community group/family member.


>What can and can't be funded under each stream?

Please see grants program guidelines 2024-2025(PDF, 959KB) for descriptions of what can/cannot be funded under each grant stream.


What if I receive event funding and the venue I planned to use is no longer available? If I book another venue, will Council fund the gap?

Council will only fund the amount requested in the funding application. Receipt of a grant does not constitute or guarantee a venue booking. It is the applicant’s responsibility to book the venue and ensure the grant application covers all venue hire costs. A change in venue or increase to venue hire costs after the grant is awarded, will not result in an increase in funding.

Related Documents

Kingston Grants Program Policy(PDF, 386KB)

Minor Capital Works & Equipment Information Sheet(PDF, 129KB)
Auspice Proforma Letter(PDF, 148KB)
Information Session Slide Show(PPTX, 3MB)
Information video
Kingston Grants Program Assessment, Criteria and Unsuccessful applications
Grants program overview

Successful Grant Recipients

Community Grants Program 2023-2024, Approved(PDF, 180KB)

Kingston Grants Program

2024/25 Grant Recipients - Triennial Grants and Grants above $2000(PDF, 121KB)
Community Small Grants 2023/24 Q3(PDF, 208KB)
Community Small Grants 2023/24 Q4(PDF, 222KB)
Individual Development Grants 2023/24 Q3(PDF, 213KB)
Individual Development Grants 2023/24 Q4(PDF, 221KB)