Fences shared with Council

In certain circumstances we will contribute towards the cost of a standard timber paling fence to 1.95 metres. Make sure you get approval before going ahead. View our Fencing Policy for more information.

Apply for a contribution

Step 1.Get a permit (if required) 

Check our fencing permits page to see if you need a building permit, report and consent, or planning permit.

Step 2.Make sure that you are eligible

Properties adjoining the below are not eligible:

  • land not owned or managed by Council
  • crown land and foreshore reservations under the Committe of Management of Council
  • road and road reserves
  • right of ways, laneways, discontinued roads, walkways and other spaces - except where they form part of a recreation reserve
  • buffer to a road
  • drainage reserves
  • bicycle path

Council will not contribute to the following:

  • gates, trellis, enhancement, painting, decorative and other features
  • pedestrian gates
  • pool compliance fencing
  • repairs to a fence.

Contact us if you are unsure if you are eligible or not. We may not be able to confirm your eligibility until we have full details of your request.

If you are eligible, we will contribute towards the cost of a standard timber paling fence.

Step 3.Get 2 quotes

Before you complete the application form you need to obtain two quotes from fencing contractors of your choice.

The quote must specify any costs that you are responsible for such as:

  • the extra cost if you would like a fence higher than 1.95 metres
  • the cost of a building permit if the fence is higher than 2 metres
  • gates
  • any surveying if needed.

The quote must also:

  • be written out in your name and include your address
  • include a cost per metre including demolition and removal of boundary fence (this is not to include lattice work, shade cloth, trees/shrubs etc)
  • include a sketch indicating the boundary
  • include a photo of the existing fence
  • break down cost between owners.

Step 4.Apply for a contribution

Once you have your 2 quotes, you can apply for a contribution. 

Do not start works until you have approval from us.

Apply for a council contribution

Step 5.Get approval from us

We will review your application and let you know the outcome.