Advocating for recycled water in Kingston

Our advocacy work has been a success. The state government and South East Water have allocated $72 million to construct the Dingley Recycled Water Scheme Scheme to irrigate golf courses, sport fields and other large water users. We are also advocating for a separate recycled pipeline to service the southern areas of Kingston.

Dingley Recycle Water Scheme

South East Water (SEW) have awarded a contract to design and construct the stage 1 trunk pipeline that passes through Waterways and along the eastern side of the Mordialloc Freeway.

The works are scheduled to commence in June 2024 and the entire project completed by 2028. This project is expected to deliver recycled water to irrigate large areas of open space, including several golf courses in the City of Kingston and Bayside, market gardens and nurseries. Council sports grounds and park that will benefit are expected to include; Chadwick Reserve, Heatherton Recreation Reserve, Kingston Heath Reserve, Victory Road and Elder Street Reserves, and Rowan Road Reserve.  

Questions regarding the construction activities can be directed to South East Water: 

Patterson River Recycle Water Scheme

South East Water is working with council to prepare a report and preliminary design plans focusing on a potential recycled water pipeline between Patterson River and Bicentennial Park. 

The report will assess the broader community benefits of irrigating open space along this corridor to support any future funding opportunities.