Public trees (street trees and reserves)


This section includes information on when we’ll be in your area to prune trees, and how to request a tree inspection or new tree.

Please note, public trees are Council assets, protected by Kingston's Community Local Law. This means:

  • you can’t remove, damage, kill or destroy a public tree (or direct anyone else to do so on your behalf) without a permit; and
  • any cutting, trimming, lopping or pruning of public trees has to be carried out in accordance with specific guidelines.


Pruning program

We maintain our public trees in open spaces and on nature strips through annual tree inspection and pruning programs.

Reserves are inspected on a rotating basis each year to ensure trees are kept in good condition and Kingston’s open spaces remain safe for the community to enjoy.

If you think a tree needs inspecting in your street or local reserve, you can request tree inspection.

Street Tree Pruning Program

Street tree pruning dates for our 2024/25 program:

Suburb Month
Cheltenham March to April
Mentone May to June
Dingley Village July
Parkdale August to September
High-voltage and bushfire risk areas September to December
Mordialloc October
Braeside & Waterways November
Aspendale Gardens & Chelsea Heights January
Chelsea Heights & Patterson Lakes February
Carrum & Bonbeach March
Chelsea April
Edithvale May
Aspendale June


Our pruning program helps us:

  • provide clear access along footpaths, nature strips and roadways
  • retain the shape and character of trees and streetscape
  • improve safety and maintain sight lines for pedestrians and motorists
  • maintain visibility of street signs, traffic signs, streetlights, traffic lights and pedestrian crossings
  • remove dead, dying and dangerous/safety hazardous trees
  • maintain a 'clearance space' around power lines and service lines. This is a statutory requirement specified by Energy Safe Victoria.

Our Electric Line Clearance management plan(PDF, 2MB) identifies the steps we take to prevent vegetation growing too close to electric power lines. This helps us avoid safety risks such as electrocution, fire (including bushfire) and issues with interrupted electricity supply.

Tree planting

Trees are the dominant component in landscapes and one of the most effective ways of improving the image and landscape character of our city.

We are proactively carrying out tree planting in nature strips, parks and reserves and other Council managed land to meet the following objectives:

  • to preserve and enhance the local character of the distinct areas within the city
  • select the right tree for the right place
  • endeavour to increase the number of trees and overall canopy coverage, within the city’s streets and other Council managed land where appropriate
  • to reinforce plantings along main roads in the city
  • to reinforce habitat links
  • set and maintain high tree planting and establishment standards
  • consult, inform and engage the community about all major projects involving tree planting.

Our vision

Our vision is to maintain and enhance the urban forest to underpin the sense of a healthy community and to maintain vibrant neighbourhoods through sustaining the city’s streetscapes and parklands. 

Why are trees important?

We recognise the value of tree planting as a method of increasing tree canopy cover and improving the urban forest and is investing heavily in the planting and establishment of trees throughout the city.

Trees are important for our community and the environment. Trees provide shade, reduce daytime temperatures, improve air and water quality, mitigate storm water runoff, absorb pollutants, help conserve energy and provide habitat for wildlife.

Tree planting

Tree planting is undertaken to reinforce and enhance landscape character within council managed land and facilities with the main objective of increasing canopy cover across our city.  Tree planting will be undertaken in a programmed manner that addresses defined priorities.

Priorities for planting are based on:

  • park improvement projects, Master Plan recommendations and the Park Tree Planting Program
  • community requests
  • co-ordinate with infrastructure improvement works program, for example; road redevelopment
  • replacement of removed trees and vacant sites in streets with defined landscape character
  • upgrade to existing streetscapes through removal/replacement of trees based on condition and appropriateness of existing trees.

Tree planting is done in the cooler months of the year when conditions are more favourable for planting. In general tree planting starts in May and finishes in October each year.

Every year we plant thousands of street and park trees. To ensure we secure the best quality trees to meet all our requirements, trees are ordered and secured well in advanced of the planting season in May. 

Maintaining our new trees

All new tree plantings within our streets and parks are maintained for a period of two years, which includes consistent watering over the warmer months. This also includes mulching, staking and weed control. Stakes are removed after two years when the trees are self-supporting and have successfully established in the landscape. Residents are encouraged to adopt their new street tree and provide additional watering to assist with the tree's establishment.

Tree species selection

Tree selection is based upon the suitability to the site, future climatic conditions, biological diversity, performance, and potential to contribute to the urban landscape without onerous maintenance requirements. 

Tree selection, placement and planting of trees will be undertaken to mitigate potential conflicts with infrastructure and to reduce long-term risk. We have identified a range of indigenous, Australian native and exotic, evergreen and deciduous species based on their suitability for planting within our streetscapes, open space and other Council managed land.

A number of different styles of street tree planting are utilised within the city. The ultimate style is dependent on the existing street tree character, street type, dominant land use and planting space. 

Formal Avenue

The avenue effect of uniform species is the preferred planting style within the city where appropriate. Usually one species, but can also incorporate different species of trees, as long as they are similar in size, form and texture and planted at regular spacings


Combination of native or indigenous tree species at irregular numbers and spacing

Group trees and shrubs

Grouping either trees or mixed vegetation (trees and shrubs) together at irregular numbers and spacing

Bushland/Indigenous Grouping

Groups of indigenous vegetation. Can be in continuous sections along streets and within parks and open space

Powerline Plant

Using taller growing species on non-powerline side of the street and smaller growing species on the powerline side to negate the requirement to prune trees for clearance. Can also be used in situations where there is footpath only on one side of the road and consequently leaving a narrow planting site and a wider planting site on the other side of the street.

Trees are selected to reinforce an existing street tree style which is in the process of being established.  If the existing theme is inappropriate and an alternative tree species can satisfactorily maintain the street's character, it will be planted as the preferred street tree species and style.

Tree species

Species name  Common name Size Habit Origin Type
Acacia melanoxylon  Blackwood  Small  Upright and spreading Indigenous Evergreen
Acacia pendula  Weeping Myall   Small  Weeping bushy habit, with variable canopy and pendulous branches Native Evergreen
Acer buergerianum  Trident Maple   Small  Slender and upright in its early years, spreading to a round habit as the tree matures Exotic Deciduous
Agonis flexuosa  Willow Myrtle   Medium  Aromatic, small slender leaves with rich bronzy-pink colour Native Evergreen
Allocasuarina littoralis  Black Sheoak   Small  Upright to pyramidal shape  Indigenous Evergreen
Allocasuarina verticillata  Drooping Sheoak  Small  Rounded habit, with a wide and moderately dense crown  Indigenous Evergreen
Angophora costata  Smooth-Barked Apple  Medium Can vary in form, generally produces a spreading open crown Native Evergreen
Angophora hispida  Dwarf Apple Myrtle  Small Upright and with age spreading Native Evergreen
Banksia integrifolia  Coastal Banksia  Small Upright, slightly spreading crown Indigenous Evergreen
Banksia marginata  Silver Banksia  Small Bushy multi stemmed tree Indigenous Evergreen
Brachychiton ‘Jerildere Red’  Illawarra Flame Tree 'Jerildere Red' Small Rounded and broad Native Evergreen
Callistemon ‘Harkness’  Bottlebrush 'Harkness' Small Rounded, dome shape and weeping Native Evergreen
Callistemon ‘Kings Park Special’  Bottlebrush 'King Park Special' Small Spreading and bushy elements Native Evergreen
Corymbia citriodora ‘Scentuous’ Dwarf Lemon Scented Gum 'Scentuous'  Small Conical with medium dense canopy Native Evergreen
Corymbia ficifolia ‘Wildfire’  Grafted Flowering Red Gum 'Wildfire' Small Dense, rounded habit that produces good shade Native  Evergreen
Corymbia ficifolia  Flowering Red Gum Medium Tall and slender trunk. Spreading round crown Native Evergreen
Eucalyptus mannifera maculosa  Red Spotted Gum Medium Medium size tree with an open canopy Native Evergreen
Eucalyptus sideroxylon ‘Rosea’  Red Ironbark 'Rosea' Small Broad crown providing plenty of shade Native  Evergreen
Eucalyptus leucoxylon megalocarpa   Large Fruited Yellow Gum Small Rounded crown habit with spreading crown and foliage Native Evergreen
Eucalyptus maculata  Spotted Gum Large Erect slender habit with growing crown and foliage Native Evergreen
Eucalyptus scoparia Wallangarra White Gum Medium Erect slender habit with weeping type foliage Native Evergreen
Fraxinus angustifolia ‘Raywood’  Claret Ash 'Raywood' Medium Narrow, upright when young Exotic Deciduous
Fraxinus excelsior ‘Aurea’  Golden Ash 'Aurea' Small Broadly conical to rounded Exotic Deciduous
Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Cimmaron’  Green Ash 'Cimmaron' Medium Foliage above the main section of trunk is full, creating a rounded canopy Exotic Deciduous
Geijera parviflora  Wilga Willow Small Spreading round crown Native Evergreen
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Natchez’  Crepe Myrtle 'Natchez' Small Upright crown  Exotic Deciduous
Lagerstroemia  ‘Tuscarora’  Crepe Myrtle 'Tuscarora' Small Broad, vase shaped. Multi stemmed and upright branching Exotic Deciduous
Leptospermum laevigatum  Coastal Tea-Tree Small Spreading and bushy elements Indigenous Evergreen
Lophostemon confertus  Queensland Bush Box Medium Rounded dense canopy Native Evergreen
Melaleuca linariifolia 'Snow in Summer' Medium Broadly pyramidical when young. Spreading with a broad canopy Native Evergreen
Melia azedarach ‘Elite’  White Cedar 'Elite' Medium Spreading round crown providing shade throughout summer months Native Deciduous
Pistacia chinensis  Chinese Pistache Small Spreading round crown Exotic Deciduous
Platanus orientalis var. insularis 'Autumn Glory' Medium Broadly pyramidical when young. Broad rounded and wide spreading when mature Exotic Deciduous
Pyrus calleryana ‘Aristocrat’ Ornamental Pear 'Aristocrat' Medium Broadly pyramidical Exotic Deciduous
Pyrus calleryana ‘Capital’   Ornamental Pear 'Capital' Medium Narrow, conical Exotic Deciduous
Pyrus nivalis   'Snow Pear' Small A well-balanced structure with spreading crown Exotic Deciduous
Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’  Ornamental Pear 'Chanticleer' Small Upright pyramidal crown Exotic Deciduous
Tristaniopsis laurina ‘Luscious’  Kanooka 'Luscious' Small Small to medium-sized, rounded tree with a dense form  Native Evergreen
Ulmus parvifolia ‘Todd’  Chinese Elm 'Todd' Medium Spreading round crown Exotic  Semi Deciduous


Are trees automatically replaced when a tree is removed?

If the nature strip can support a replacement tree, they are automatically added to our planting program. However, if the nature strip is too narrow, there are existing trees on the nature strip and or infrastructure, we may not be able to plant a new street tree.

Can I prune my nature strip tree?

Nature strip trees are Council assets and this is a service Council provides as all street and park trees are maintained by Council.

Can I remove my nature strip tree?

No, newly planted trees cannot be removed or replaced.

Can I plant my own nature strip tree?

This is a service Council provides, as all street and park trees are planted by Council. Residents are not permitted to plant trees on nature strips but can request one using our form below.

Can I remove the grass on my nature strip and replace it with plants?

Yes, residents are permitted to plant within their nature strips in accordance with Council's nature strip guidelines. Further information can be found in our nature strip guidelines(PDF, 5MB).

I am concerned about my street tree’s health?

If you are concerned about the health of a street tree, you can contact us on 1300 653 356 or lodge a request via our website and a Council Arborist will come out and inspect the street tree.

Request a street tree

If you would like a tree on your nature strip, please contact us on 1300 653 356 or lodge an online request. Annual plantings are scheduled between May to September.

Request a new tree