Pests can be both dangerous and damaging to local environments. All property owners are responsible for the treatment of pest control problems affecting their properties.
See the Better Health guide to pest control in the home for some useful information and resources on pesticide and pest control services.
The Council is responsible for the treatment of any pest control problems related to nature strips, Council owned buildings or Council owned land.
Swarming bees
Bee swarming is a natural part of their life cycle that usually occurs during Spring each year.
If you notice a bee swarm or nest on private property and require assistance in removing the swarm contact Bee Removal Victoria - Aussie Apiarists and Australian Beekeepers online to find a local beekeeper or apiarist who can remove free hanging and accessible swarms.
If you notice a bee swarm on Council land, please contact our Customer Care team on 1300 653 356 to arrange relocation if accessible.
Keeping bees
Anyone who keeps bee hives is required to register with Agriculture Victoria as a beekeeper. The Apiary Code of Practice(PDF, 2MB) outlines the requirements for keeping bee hives.
For further information regarding registration visit Agriculture Victoria's Bees page.
The most effective way to get rid of a wasps is to destroy the nest.
If you have European wasps nesting on your property, it is your responsibility to have them removed by engaging the services of a professional pest control company.
To report a wasp issue on Council land, please contact our Customer Care team on 1300 653 356 or
Rodents such as rats and mice are a common problem. Typically they will not inhabit an area unless there is a food source available. Rodents can usually be found in instances of poorly maintained chicken pens, bird aviaries, compost piles, defective rubbish bins and fallen fruit.
If there is a rodent problem is on your own land you can either treat the problem yourself, or engage the services of a professional pest control company. For information on how you can minimise the impact on native bird life, visit Birdlife Australia.
If the rodent problem is on your neighbour's land we recommend you speak with your neighbour to advise them of the problem.
Alternatively you can contact the Council’s Environmental Health team on 1300 653 356 or
Mosquitoes can carry diseases that may be passed on to people through mosquito bites.
In Australia, some of these include Ross River virus, Murray Valley Encephalitis virus and dengue fever.
Periods of heavy rainfall or floods can led to ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes, even in non-tropical areas.
Diseases that are spread by insects are known as ‘vector-borne’ diseases.
Mosquito-borne diseases can make people ill and, in severe cases, can cause death.
How to avoid mosquito bites
There are many simple things you can do to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes, including:
- Avoid outdoor activity when mosquitoes are prevalent. Dusk and dawn is when most mosquitoes are more active, but different types bite during the day.
- Wear long, loose-fitting clothes if mosquitoes are around, preferably in light colours.
- Use effective mosquito repellents on exposed skin and clothing (creams or gels containing picaridin or DEET are considered most effective) and ensure you reapply as per the product label
- Sleep under mosquito nets treated with repellents or insecticides if you don’t have flywire screens on windows
- Outdoors, mosquito coils can be effective in small protected areas.
Control of mosquitoes around the home
You can reduce the risk of mosquito bites if you get rid of potential mosquito breeding sites around your home by:
- Installing flywire screens on all windows and self-closing wire screens on doors. Check them regularly and mend any holes
- Preventing pools of water from forming – get rid of unused tins, tyres and similar rubbish, clean gutters and drains regularly and mend leaking taps
- Changing your pets’ drinking water and the water in vases, pot plants and bird baths at least once a week
- Putting sand around the base of pot plants to absorb excess water in the dish
- Flushing unused toilets once a week
- Keeping swimming pools chlorinated or salted and empty them completely when not in use for long periods
- Emptying children’s wading pools regularly
- Keeping fishponds stocked with fish.
If you have a rainwater tank or alternative water storage devices:
- Make sure that any tops, lids, covers and inlet pipes are close fitting
- Fit a removable screen mesh to the outlet end of overflow pipes and to all water inlets
- Make sure any water collection containers have secure lids or screens
For further information read our Are You Thinking of Getting a Pest Control Service(PDF, 352KB) guide,
visit Beat the Bite - Better Health Channel,
or contact the Environmental Health team on 1300 653 356.